What is Barbershop Style?
Barbershop is a form of unaccompanied music sung in four-part harmony. It's an exciting vocal art form which, when sung accurately and with good breath support and vocal techniques, creates a resonant ring unique to this form of music.​
Barbershop voice parts are different from regular choral parts. Our four parts are:
Lead sings the melody, usually sung in the range between A below middle C and C above middle C.
Tenor is the harmony part sung consistently above the lead.
Baritone covers approximately the same range as lead and usually (not always) sings harmony below the melody line.
Bass singers have a rich, mellow voice and are able to sing the Eâ™ below middle C easily.

Characteristics of Barbershop performance
-We sing a harmony part above the melody line
-We use great flexibility in interpreting music
-We place emphasis on showmanship and performance
-We don't hold music while we sing
-We use movement in many of our songs
-We aim for complete unity in the group, vocally and visually
-We can accommodate very low female voices